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Friday, February 1, 2013

Talk Wookie To Me

So, Warm Bodies last night was pretty fantastic...But in all honesty I think that the night BEFORE the movie was even better. I mean, yeah, the movie was great and all but...well here.
A little teensy bit of background story here for you:
There's this guy I've been friends with for like, the past 3(ish) years.  I'll just call him JD. For all of those years, he's been trying to become more than friends to no avail. He's nice and all, but I can't picture myself being with him (don't even ask me why. There's a lot of reasons). And, not to sound like a total wench, but he's kind of become the running joke within our friend group. I mean, he even makes jokes about it himself, or so I've heard.
He's got this friend that he hangs out with all of the time, Aaron. Turns out Aaron is friends with a lot of people I'm friends with. Like A lot of people I'm friends with. I'm honestly shocked we hadn't ever met, considering he went to the same High School as I did, and all that jazz. I had heard his name tossed around quite a bit (and apparently, he'd heard plenty of mine as well)  throughout the past few years, but we hadn't ever actually met.
Until last night.

Turns out, he's fairly decent friends with Chelsea, one of my good friends that was going to the movies with me last night. They're in band together at the college (this one time, at band camp...), and that was her last class last night. My class got out a wee bit early, so I waited for her (she was driving anyways, so I didn't honestly have a choice in the matter). She came out with these two guys, Aaron, and I believe Joe was the other individual. She had told me she was going to go get them, and when I saw them, I had the two of them mixed up. Joe (or whatever his real name may be) was who I thought was JD's nerd buddy, and I was starting to feel disappointed that we would be spending the evening with him instead of the taller, handsome guy. Turns out who I thought was Joe was Aaron. JD's nerd buddy was handsome. Whaaaaa? I was shocked, not going to lie. I honestly thought I was going to be spending the evening with the kid with the weird teeth and who was super slouchy. What a pleasant surprise :)

So, the three of us (Chels, Aaron, and I) all went to DQ and hung out until they closed. There was still about 2 hours before the movie, though, so we moved across the street to the 24 hour McDonald's. I don't think I've had so much fun milling around fast food restaurants in a long time. I mean, this guy was great. Chelsea later said that she liked us together, with our senses of humor an whatnot. We just kept bouncing off of each other all night, and I left McDonald's happier than anyone should ever leave a McDonald's (I mean, it's the fat capital of the world, people).
I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever been so drawn to someone so quickly as I am to this guy. It was almost instantaneous. And the fact that he's JD's buddy kind of sucks, but it's kind of funny all at the same time (we even totally screwed with JD's head when we were at McD's, replying to the texts he'd sent us from the other's phone. Took him forever to figure out what was going on). Like, I know, bros before hos and all that, but I've told JD adamantly that he and I will never date. So we'll see if this goes anywhere other than a pretty freaking awesome friendship.

Let's hope for the best ;)

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