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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You Gotta Treat Her Like A Lady

I'm a list kinda person. I like lists, they're so organized. But I think this is one of the most useful lists I will ever make for men. This is a list of ways to win me, and possibly other women, over. Or, you could just listen to Lee DeWyze explain how to Treat Her Like A Lady and go from there ;) Definitely my favorite cover of this song, ps. I chose a live video, but the studio recording is better :)

  1. Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not, because eventually the truth is going to come out.
  2. Be chivalrous. Go old school, guys. No one ever does it anymore. Beat her to the car so you can open her door. Meet her family. Pull out her chair. Give her your jacket. Be her knight in shining armor. It's a lot sexier than, "God you look hot." Show her, don't tell her, how you feel. Actions speak a lot louder than words.
  3. Hold her hand. I know it sounds like common sense, or elementary school tactics, but I know that I like it, so I assume I'm not the only one. It's such a simple way to show the world that she's yours and you're hers. And if you do it subconsciously when you're nervous or scared, it's even more perfect.
  4. Make her feel safe. There are a few easy ways to do this, at least for me. Like, don't drive like a maniac. Steady her when she starts to lose balance. Stand behind her with your arms around her waist when there are other guys around (especially if they want to be with her). The jacket thing also is a really easy way to make her feel safe.
  5. Write her. Not text messages, or emails. Legitimate notes. They don't even have to be long. Just a little reminder that you're thinking of her. Put it under her windshield wipers in the parking lot, or wherever her car is. Hide it in her purse (I know most girls are very anti-purse touching, so I'm weird since I don't care; be careful with this one if you don't know how she is about her things). Or even send it in the mail. You could even slip it into her hand when you see her in passing, or when you say goodbye.
  6. Cook for her. Even if you're terrible at it. Even if you have no idea what she likes to eat. Make her food, and you'll make her happy. And if it turns out absolutely awful, then you guys can crack up about it, and eat something simple, like a sandwich, cereal, or fast food. It's the fact that you tried.
  7. Cook with her. I don't know how many other women are like me, but I feel like the kitchen is one of the most intimate places you can be together. There's a certain dance you have to do in order to maneuver around each other and everything else. It feels like a real moment, and one that someday could be something very mundane, but at the beginning of a relationship, it's something that really stands out to me. It feels like home, it's comfortable, and you create something together that you can both enjoy. It's just wonderful.
  8. When she's sick, take care of her. Spend time with her, even if you might get sick as well. Be cute about it if you really want to impress her-Build her a tiny care package. Literally, tiny. Like, a pocket pack of kleenex, some medicine, and a note. So simple. And if you don't want to do that, be classic; bring her soup. It's an easy way to remind her that you care.
  9. Kiss her on the forehead. It's a happy medium for when you want to kiss her, but don't want to have too much PDA going on, like when you're with family (especially for me, I can't stand it when my family sees that kind of stuff...then again my family is kind of weird anyways). Plus, it's adorable. Probably one of the cutest things a guy can do. Just makes me get the biggest smile.
  10. Share your interests with her. If you like a certain band, play them for her. If you have a favorite game, play it with her. Favorite movie, watch it. Favorite food, eat it. Something you collect, show it. Let her into the inner sanctum. Somehow that makes a lot of difference in a relationship. You're trusting her with a part of you that few people probably see. If she does it, take it as a compliment.
  11. Be spontaneous. Go for long drives. Just spend time with her.
  12. Dance with her. It sounds stupid, I know. But it's fun, and entertaining to everyone else (especially if you decide to do such things in public with your friends). She might tell you that she doesn't want to, but she does. She just doesn't want to embarrass herself. But if you're also embarrassing yourself, then it's okay.
  13. Tickle her. Play fight. Wrestle for fun. I know that it's something that I very much enjoy, so again, I couldn't possibly be the only one, right? And when you've won, and she's on the ground out of breath from laughing or trying to pin you down, give her a consolation prize. Kiss her and flop down right next to her. Just have dumb fun.
  14. Play for her. Even if you're just learning how to play something (guitar, piano, etc), she'll like it. And if you're really brave, sing. Even if you're terrible and you know it,  I will crack up, tell you to stop, but I'll enjoy ever painful second of it.
  15. When she's upset and blabbering on about stupid things that even she shouldn't care about, shut her up. Just plant one on her. Don't do it when she's mad at you, or your plan will backfire. But when she just needs someone there to vent to, distract her. She'll feel better, and you'll get to tell her to shut up without getting smacked. This is especially effective when she's bringing herself down. Just make her feel worth it. We tend to forget that about ourselves a lot, and we take a lot of crap from people who put us down. be the one to bring her back up.

There you go. Fifteen really easy things. And of course, these aren't a daily thing. These are just little things to keep your relationship going strong, or to set it in motion. Like Nike says, Just Do It.

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