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Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm Just All Around Awesome...I Guess

My day was fairly entertaining today, I suppose. Did a lot more than it feels like I did.
I woke up feeling like crap, absolute crap. I even ended up calling in to work because of it, which I never do. It felt like an elephant had just copped a squat and made himself comfortable sitting on my head/throat/chest region. I went back to bed until about noon, and felt a little bit better, but still not tip top shape. Chelsea also felt like crap, and so me being the super awesome sickly individual I was this morning drove over to her house with a lovely assortment of soups to choose from so we could mope in our sick misery together. Turned out to be a pretty good decision, if you ask me. I ended up feeling better after awhile, and we ran some quick errands and came back to clean.
So, I went hunting through Chelsea's room with her today, trying to swim through the mess she created of clothes and duct tape and music and such. And dear god was it a mess. But I found some fairly cool things in that mess that are now sitting on my desk (I also found some very scary things in that mess, but we won't talk about those. Ahem, Chelsea, I certainly hope those never make an appearance again). Anyways, I left pretty happy, and even though he was nowhere near us, so did Aaron. Why? Because he has an awesome girlfriend who is willing to share these bad boys!
Oh, yeah, that's right. We've got ourselves some Yoshi's Island, Spyro, Super Mario 3, Super Mario World, and Spyro 2... I am way more happy about this than I probably should be.
After Chelsea's, I went over to Morgan's because I had forgotten my precious polar fleece gloves there last night. That visit was more than interesting. Long story short, her brother was being a big headed stubborn smart ass and started talking smack about things he hasn't the slightest clue about, including Aaron, which really got me pissed. I deal with this kid every time I go over there. I don't know how his family does it, honestly. He thinks he can just say whatever the fuck he wants and not have any consequences. He calls his mother the C-word to her face for god's sake. The kid doesn't have balls. He's just a fucking idiot. I've been there enough to know that this isn't an occasional thing, either, so when he tries to pull shit like that on me, it doesn't fly. But today, man, I lost it. There was yelling involved, and I smacked him pretty hard in front of everyone. If he didn't take anything else away from today, he should have at least taken away that I am not tolerating this bullshit anymore. His family may be used to it, but I'm not, and there should be a certain level of respect in a household. He does not have any level of respect, and I don't have to live the the little shit, so you can best bet the next time I hear him being a prick to Jill or Morgan, he's going to get a whole lot more than just a smack. Jill deserves more respect than that. She raised him to be better than that, and I know that for a fact. No mother raises her child to treat her like dirt, and no good mother deserves to be treated like dirt by her own son. I know it's not my place to whip him into place, but that is something that I cannot tolerate. The kid's lucky it took me this long to snap on him. Next time he treats anyone in that house like he's better than them, even if he's "just kidding," he's gonna deal with me whether he likes it or not. I just feel so bad for them, having to deal with his pompous ass. My favorite part about all of it is that he thinks that if he insults me personally, I get offended. Nope, it's when he insults other people, every time, without fail, that is what gets to me.
Oh, and I messed around with Morgan's iPad a lot tonight...

On another, happier note, I get to pick Aaron up when he gets home Wednesday evening. That will be nice after a long day of classes and lectures and such :) I miss him, and I can't wait to pick him up :)

Well, goodnight, y'all. I have a longish day ahead of me tomorrow. Class and work, and then bed. Tuesday will hopefully be a sleep-in, go to the gym, vacuum my trunk kind of day. Spring needs to come!!
Goodnight, hopefully your day was as awesome as mine (aside from smacking your friend's younger brother in front of the whole family O.o)!! See ya tomorrow :)

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