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Friday, February 15, 2013

Maybe Even Forever

I never thought I'd be one of these stereotypical weenies that flounce around saying how great their new boyfriend is. But I am.
I never thought that I'd meet someone who made me feel like love-at-first-sight could be somewhat possible (still skeptical about the love part, but feeling something). But I did.
I never thought that I'd feel so strongly about someone, that I'd fall asleep and wake up smiling because of someone, that I'd want to spend most of my free time with someone so fast. But I do, I do, and I do.
I never thought I'd find someone who felt all of that at the same time, either. But I feel like we definitely are going somewhere wonderful, maybe even perfect. I've never felt so comfortable, so relaxed around someone my whole life. And I don't think I ever will again. It feels so good being able to be so honest and open with someone and not be scared that it'll ruin everything. I do feel like I'm falling in love with him. I do feel like I can tell him things like that. I always have. In fact, I did tell him. I was reluctant at first because I didn't really know how to say it, but I told him. And he didn't freak out or back away from me.
It's nights like these that remind me of the things I have to be thankful for. Aaron is definitely one of them. So quickly, he's become something that means so much to me. And I actually feel like I found my place, where I belong, where I can just be me. And I feel like he wouldn't have me any other way, which makes me feel like anything is possible for us. It's still early in the game, but I can honestly say that I want "us" to  be "us" for a very long time. Maybe even forever.
I can only hope that all of you that read these (and I know there are plenty of you, with over 800 pageviews already) find someone that makes you feel the way he makes me feel.

I hope you all find your own Aaron someday. But you can't have this one, he's all mine, and if I manage to get my way, he always will be.

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