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Friday, February 8, 2013

You Can't Keep It From Happening

I don't even know where to start.
So maybe I'll just go on helplessly, with no direction whatsoever. No different than usual, right?

Tonight was just spectacular. I can't believe I ever thought it would be anything but. The movie was great, as usual. Never gets old, though there's that one part that everyone hates. You can't keep it from happening, no matter how much you want to. But Aaron seems to get better every time. The more I look at him, or hear him, the more I like him. His laugh is this clumsy chuckle that just gets me every time. And the whole movie, I kept wondering if I should reach over and grab his hand or not (I never did) because I kept noticing I'd moved myself entirely against the arm-rest and my hand kept wandering anyways. But he grabbed my hand on the way out, which was very nice (though I felt very childish with my fliptop gloves in mitten form). And he definitely was chivalrous enough. A true gentleman, certainly.
Afterwards, we went to get milkshakes (more brownie points for him, very old school :) ) And yet again, I found myself blathering on about nothing. I even spoke about some very personal subjects, which afterwards I thought "WTF. You're stupid. Where the hell did that come from?" But I think he moved past it, thank the naked baby Jesus and all of his disciples.
The whole night, I was debating what to do when I went to leave. I even brushed my teeth before he picked me up, just in case. But let's be honest here...if I couldn't even grab his hand, how did I expect to kiss the guy (did I not say I was nervous around him)? But luckily, he made the decision for me, and gave me a little kiss on the cheek, which was very cute, and definitely the best part of my night.
And my babbling made us late, but luckily Grandma isn't one to honestly care. She'll just shove it in my face like a little brat (she thinks it's funny) the next time he takes me out (if he does. I would certainly hope so haha). But she said she likes him, so that's really good too :)

You guys all probably think I'm crazy for wanting to be with someone I've just met last week. But being attracted to someone is just one of those things.
You can't keep it from happening.

And dear god, why would I want to keep it from happening? :)
He's a keeper for sure. Put me back into kindergarten, because I don't want to share.

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