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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Petrichor, Wal*Mart, and Taxi Cabs

So, yesterday:
I woke up, took a shower, super exciting stuff. I went over to Aaron's around 11 am, where we watched a really bizarre show about some forensic geologist and rock structure weirdness in America. As much as we made fun of it, we still kept watching, because we ended up wanting to know if he ever figured out the weirdness. He didn't :( Then we went on a brief shopping trip for my dress and shoes (I ended up getting the first dress from the other night's post. It was the longest, and it turned out it did have adjustable straps). We also went out to the mall for lunch and the Payless so he could also buy new shoes. The rest of the day we just vegged out at the house. It was a rainy day (my favorite, if only it was warmer outside), and so we felt like just lounging around. We both kind of napped at one point with the TV on in the background. A nice, relaxing day that ended at 3 am this morning. Not going to turn that down. Plus, I think that this morning was the final milestone we'll have to make it through, at least for awhile. We're going places, I just know it.

Though I do still feel kind of bad about the Chelsea thing. I was planning on leaving Aaron's around 11/11:30 pm, but apparently her parents are too old for that on a Friday night anymore and got really cranky. To me, that isn't late at all for a weekend night, especially considering my normal curfew is 11 pm on the weekends anyways. I'll have to make it up to her. I ended up just staying over at Aaron's for a few more hours and then went home.

Today I went to an old friend's family function. Well, it was her Grandpa's memorial service (he was hit by a drunk driver in December and didn't survive the accident), but I was the only non-family member that sat with them, so it was a family function. We had a good time at the lunch table afterwards with her cousins, and the mood felt a lot lighter than it did when we first sat down.
Then I went to work for what I'd assumed would be another slow Fitting Room shift. God was I wrong or what? It was total madness in the place, like a zoo. Everyone coming in to buy something that was green, but picking up about 18 other things along with the plain green tee-shirts they'd grabbed. When we left, there was (I think) 4 full racks of recovery solely in the Juniors/Misses department for them to take care of tomorrow morning. I feel bad for that morning crew. Yuck. So many people coming through the fitting room, there was no time to think straight, let alone doodle. And I just realized I forgot to drag the hanger boxes to the stockroom when I closed up shop...damn it.

I made the mistake of going to Wal*Mart past 10 pm tonight by myself. I needed new shampoo & conditioner, because when I smell my usual one in the shower anymore, it makes my stomach turn. So I got off work and drove out to Wal*Mart on a mission. I had planned on trying on a pair of jeans that my friend Stephanie had bought not too long ago that looked great (can you believe I just said that Wal*Mart jeans looked not only "good," but "great?" Yeah, me either...), but those plans quickly changed when I noticed two very large men basically shadowing me throughout the store, all shady-like. They looked like shifty-eyed creeps if you ask me. I wasn't okay with the idea of two linebacker sized black guys (and before you even start in on me, I am not racist, okay? I've dated a black guy for god's sake, now get over it. I'm obviously not a PC individual to start with. If you've ever read any of these you'd know that) following me throughout the Wal*Mart and possibly through the parking lot to my car. They were right behind me in line, and they were low-talking to each other, and I heard some rather unsavory things between the two of them. You best bet I bought my hair goodies, got my receipt, and held my keys like James Howlett all the way to my car. If they'd come at me in the dark, they'd have been Wolverined by a very angry white girl who knows how to aim for the eyes and throat. Would not have been a good idea on their part at all. I can gladly say I did not have to go Wolverine on anyone in the Wal*Mart parking lot tonight, and I got home safely with my Trident and Herbal Essences without incident.

Well, I hope everyone decides to be smart tomorrow night, and that none of you drink insane amounts and get super awful hangovers for a day at work/class on Monday. Also, please don't be stupid and drink & drive. Be decent human beings and think about more than just yourselves. Here, go here, to THIS SITE, and you can find services in your state that will take you home, possibly for free. It's towards the bottom of the page. Or here's a thought. Bring a DD. Not that hard guys. Not that hard.
That being said, everyone have a good night and fun holiday. I know mine will turn out just fine :)
And I'll send you off with my favorite Dropkick Murphys song, Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced

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