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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Girls Day

Today was pretty laid back, which is always nice. I woke up to hear birds singing, and a small lake in my backyard. It's a good sign spring is coming :) On my way home from Allie's, there were also 2 bunnies hopping around in the street and then my driveway. All this snow on the ground, and they still are frolicking around like loons. I'm not complaining in any sense of the word, I've been waiting for spring forever it seems. I'm excited!
Allie and I even went for a walk in today's drizzly weather. We had a need to make muffins, so we were wandering around to different stores. You'd be surprised at how hard it was to find muffin mix in this town...
We watched some Wayne's World and Nacho Libre and then talked a lot as usual. Her boyfriend came over, so the three of us hung out in the basement for awhile. Cody always manages to be the weirdest of all of us, I swear. He had us cry laughing over nothing. Nights like these are pretty awesome.
I cleaned my room up a bit, not that it really looks much different. Just more organized I guess. Whoo, the excitement. Alright, well I'm going to bed. Pretty lame blog tonight, but oh well :P Been a simple day, sorry.


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