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Monday, April 22, 2013

Mental Break

Alright, folks. I figured I should probably let you know that there will be a fairly long span of time between this and my next post.
I'm  taking a mental break. I've been stressing out a lot lately about school, bills, work, etc. So I need to get rid of some distractions in order to focus on fixing any remaining problems.
Right now, my main focus is school. Since the end of the semester is coming up, I figured I should at least attempt to finish off on a decent note in all of my classes. I have a lot of projects that are all due in the next few weeks that I need to work on. For example, I have 10 essay questions for my HUM class that all need one page answers due this Wednesday. I will be working on those today while I wait for Aaron to get off of work.
I also have two BIO projects: one individual paper, and another group one, which are both due on the 6th of May. My individual paper is on A.L.L. (acute lymphoblastic leukemia), and while I know quite a bit about it, it's not quite enough to write an entire paper about. I'm finding it fairly difficult to find anything new about it on the internet, as well. My "group" project (really a partner project, since one guy dropped the course) is on gene therapy, which I neither wanted, nor have any interest/knowledge in. And my partner and I seem to have some kind of communication issues. She never responds to emails, so I have no idea what all she's accomplished yet.
Also due the week of the 6th is my ECE portfolio, which requires 4-5 papers, each a summary about a different age group and the developmental stages of each group. It ALSO requires multiple articles from magazines and the news about each age group. Sounds easy, but it's proving to be difficult.
Tomorrow, I have a test in my ECE class, and next Monday I have a BIO test.
I need some time to work on things for school. This week is going to stress me out more than it should, but I anticipate that I'll get through it. Aaron's helping me as much as he possibly can, and I'm taking steps such as this in order to get away from distractions that I often let get to me. My Facebook is even in his control, as I had him change my password until the end of the semester so I couldn't log in.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to finish some of my ceramics projects after my test. Then I'm going to apply at the pub and see where that takes me.
I also have a lot of medical bills coming in for my ER visit at the beginning of March, and of course, my insurance company has to investigate blah blah blah.

So here goes my mental break, folks. Have a good end of the semester, I'll see you soon! If I get the job before the end of all of this, I'll let you know!

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