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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Everything, All at Once. You're Welcome.

Well Hello there! I see some of you are still interested enough in my mundane life to click on that link :) Glad to see you again! I (as usual) have no particular plan for this post, but I promise it'll be more light hearted than my last one.

Life has been treating me fairly well since that night, though I have had some bad nights. Just have to push through them, and it's a lot easier doing so knowing that I have the support of people like Aaron's family. Work hours even picked up for a little bit (I got 10 hours this week, but only 4 next)! Which is nice, because I had to pay my first bill for my new phone ($104...ouch), and 3 months worth of my storage unit ($150... I hadn't paid since January, so $30 of that was late fees...). So my wallet is crying for some green (and I just realized I get paid tomorrow. Thank god!), and so am I.

Though I'm thinking about changing banks... Mine is really starting to bother me. I still have money in my account (not a lot of extra, but enough for what I tried to get at Panda Express), and my card keeps getting declined everywhere (thanks again, Aaron, for stepping in at the register. I'll get you next time). They also advertised my checking and savings accounts as a free service, but every quarter, if I don't have $100 in each of my accounts (and with these hours, it's nearly impossible), they take $15, which has put me in the hole a couple of times, resulting in overdraft fees as well. It's ridiculous. So I think I'll transfer everything over to a credit union near home that is 100% free checking/savings accounts.

I also may soon have a second job (if I get my butt over there to apply soon) at a local pub, thanks to my friend Stephanie and her family. They told me that the place often hires people, and while that also means they often fire people, I've heard it's mostly because the servers get pregnant, which is no concern of mine and Aaron's. Even if it's just a temporary thing, it'll give me more money, and possibly more hours. Also, it'll give me experience in the waitressing field, which surprisingly, is something I have not done yet. And with school ending soon, my availability will open up, which means more hours :) So here's to hoping that all goes well. Don't want to count my chickens before they're hatched.

The art show business was today, and while I didn't win anything, it was still a good time. The piece that won was absolutely gorgeous, and she deserved the win, hands down. We had some tasty lunch and that was about all. I snuck Aaron some of the extra grub after most everyone had left, much to his enjoyment.
Also at RVC today was a free comedian show that Aaron and his office had put together. His name was Rob Gleeson, and he was a pretty funny guy (he'd have to be to be a comedian). He seemed very personable, and involved quite a few of us in his show. It was an hour well spent :)

This is my boyfriend...he's adorable.
Another hour well spent tonight was in our sacred booth at McDonald's. Aaron & I, Chelsea, Ryan, and our friend Tanner all piled up into our booth after their band rehearsal and chit chatted until lame old me had to go home for curfew. I like nights like these, because they force me to go out and be social, which hasn't been my MO as of late. I've been really homebody like the last few weeks.

Though, I have to say, Rachel and I have been hanging out a little bit more than usual. Last Friday, at Aaron's house, we tried to set her up with our friend Matt, if you recall. It seemed to go really well, but didn't end up working out between the two of them, which is just fine because... I set her up on another double date with my friend, who also happens to be named Aaron. So, from now on (in this post at least), "my" Aaron will be Aar, and "hers" will be full on Aaron. So we all met up at Culver's on Tuesday night and hung out for a bit. Aar decided to put on the bib of his own accord, ps. Luckily, Rachel and Aaron had met briefly beforehand, so when I was once again forced to leave because of curfew, I wasn't too worried about leaving them stranded together. Apparently they hit it off better than I thought, and are now an official couple. Good for them! :) And go me (just a little) for getting them together ;)

So it seems that we now may have a double date team, since Allie and Cody never seem to have time to go outside of their relationship to include others in any activities lately. Don't mean to sound bitter, though I know I probably do. Just one of those things that gets to me, I guess. For someone that's supposed to be my best friend, you'd think you'd read more about her in here, huh? Oh well. Summer is coming, and she's dealing with graduation crap (getting that diploma), so she is fairly busy. Summer is coming, so we'll see how things start to go then.

In other news, the weather around here is ridiculous. There was one day that was absolutely beautiful (I even broke out a sundress, which rarely happens) and ever since, all we have gotten is rain. Rain. Rain. Rain. guessed it...more rain. My wall is soaked from a leak in the roof, so that looks real cute. But when this insane storm finally passes, it should get fixed. If it were only a bit warmer, I wouldn't mind all of the rain. But it's chilly. Cold, wet, and windy isn't very fun :( But I saw this video today, and while it's slow at first, when it starts happening, you can't stop it from happening. Hopefully none of the roads around here get this bad, or we'll start having some real problems! Hopefully that link works, you'll have to let me know if it doesn't. It's to a public Facebook post, but you never know when something's going to go jank.

Also, I really hope that this weather quits because Rachel and I have decided to do the Couch to 5K program in hopes of getting back into some shape (because while round is, in fact, a shape, it is not a flattering one) and slim down a bit. We both like running, but need to work back up to it, so this program seems perfect. It's going to happen, but this weather needs to cooperate, dangit.

Also, in relation to running. The Boston Marathon Bombings? What the hell? That's definitely not okay. Though I hear that there have been reports of possible suspects already, thank god! And since that article is from the Chicago Tribune, I would say that it's a reliable source. Let's hope they catch these assholes, if nothing for vengeance for those mercilessly murdered and maimed (Whoa. Lots of M's there. My bad). And while yes, it is tragic that a young boy died, I feel a moral obligation to also mention the two other victims of the senseless act. So here is to Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, & Lu Lingzi. Forever remembered </3 All of my love goes to their families, and to the other injured victims of the bombings. Such an incredible day, ruined by a few of society's scum.

Let's all strive tomorrow, and every day following, to be better human beings, because it's what the world deserves. Let's all strive tomorrow, and every day following, to be better friends, better sons & daughters, better husbands & wives, and better mothers & fathers, because it's what our loved ones deserve. And let's all strive tomorrow, and every day following, to be better individuals, because it's what we deserve. As a community, as a nation, as the human race. We deserve to be better. We can be better. So let's strive. Let's succeed.

Not going to lie, I'm pretty proud of that last part I wrote. I love it when words just flow out of me like this. It's such a beautiful feeling.

Another beautiful feeling is waking up from a good night's sleep, which I fully intend on doing in the morning (before, of course, I start my striving ;) ). So, this is where we part ways.

Goodnight, loyal readers. You are the reason I keep writing :)

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