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Thursday, August 8, 2013

I've Been Away For Too Long

For those of you that actually read this (ahem...Jessica, Lauren, Chelsea, Stephanie...) I am sorry. I can't seem to write anything, ever. I'm super lame guys. But maybe, just maybe, I can start to be a little bit better about it again.

So, since the last time I wrote, I've actually started going out and doing stuff. Like, a lot of stuff. And a lot of fun stuff at that! Life all of a sudden got to be a bit exciting and my summer has just blasted by. School starts in 10 days, and it doesn't seem real.

The weather did lighten up enough for Aaron and I to have a beautiful day out on the lake canoeing. We spent a decent amount of time out there, and I got a lovely tan line from the life jacket.

We've also tried going to a few baseball games this summer with Rachel&Aaron so far. I say try because both times, it's rained and we haven't finished a game yet this season. But it's okay, we still have fun.

Stephanie and I donated plasma for a bit, and Chelsea tried it a few times as well. I took a break from it, just because my arm was really bruised, and it wasn't a very appealing thought to be stabbed in a bruise caused by previous stabbings. I'm thinking about going again soon though. It's really not as bad as I thought it would be, it's just a really long wait. And some of the people that go there use it as an alternative to having an actual job, and those people tend not to be too savory. But they provide some good laughs and people watching, so as long as they don't start creeping on any of us, I don't mind them.

I've met a few new cool people through Stephanie as well. Her friends Ryan and Erica are quite enjoyable, despite the fact that they are still in high school. It's good to know that some people grow up enough before they graduate to actually be sensible people in today's society.
Ryan is enjoyable simply because he's funny. He knows every word to Nikki Minaj's "Starships," and if you don't think that's an accomplishment, maybe you need a refresher on how awful this song is?? I wouldn't have been able to listen to it enough to figure out the lyrics, but Ryan, on the other hand, will rap it with no beat, no music, nothing. He'll do it while we drive down the street in a minivan with a small child, just for the hell of it. And I mean, look at this video. He's hilarious in his own way.

I also went to Six Flags this year with Aaron's family. It was good getting to hang out with them as a family, it made me feel really nice :) And other than the fact that this is an awful picture of me, I enjoyed getting to spend time with his sister, Alyssa. I'm at the house all of the time, but we never really talk, so when we sat on the benches in the park and waited while the others rode rides we passed on, it was nice getting to know her a little bit better. I really feel like we should spend more time together.

I also went to Brat Days with Stephanie and Aaron a few weeks ago. And speaking of Nikki Minaj, we apparently have a local version of her as well. Good food, good friends, great time :)

Mom took Allie and I to the Drive In theater awhile back as well. We saw Despicable Me 2 and Monsters U. They were both enjoyable, but I think my favorite part was the drive home. I tend to forget how funny my mom can be when she's not nagging me or trying to be super mom. Maybe one day we can be more like friends, once I've gotten completely on my own and started my life.
Me, Allie, & Mom

Aaron and I finally went camping at the beginning of this month, and it was a lot of fun. Despite that it rained the whole second day we were there, and despite the fact that I wasted about an hour and a half trying to rescue a very lost kitten, I think we had a lot of fun. The hikes were beautiful, and it was really nice to spend time with just Aaron again. I think we both learned a little bit more about each other from our talks around the campfire, and no one died or got injured, so I'd say the trip was a definite success. Here are a few pictures for ya...

Our campsite

I applaud whoever wrote this. Good motto.

A+, Bud Guy, A+

Allie and I have hung out a few times too. We ate well last night, feasting on Red Lobster. She had never been there before!
Das Allie.

Well, I promised a 2-for-1, so I suppose I should get on writing that second post, huh? Talk to you very soon :)

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