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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Baby, It's Cold Outside....

Well this is proving to be a very chilly winter indeed! Living in the Midwest has its perks, don't get me wrong, but brrr.... I don't think I'm a fan of this "polar vortex" thing we've got going on these past few days. But at least we don't live in Russia where they still have to send the small kids to school in -30 degree weather, right?!
Even the kitty is sleeping on a heating pad as I type this out, and let me tell you, she can't get much cuter than this!
In other news, the holiday season is over with, and now that all of the little kiddies are going to be going back to school, so are all of us at RVC. January 13th starts the new spring semester and I can't get it out of the way and have that many credits go towards my degree! It's so close, I can smell it (the fresh paper of course). This semester is going to be a lot less loaded than originally planned, but who doesn't need a break every once and a while anyways? I'll load up after this easy semester and hopefully only have a semester left after this spring. Just gotta keep chugging along, get it over with.

Work has slowed down quite a bit since Christmas has passed. No more over zealous old ladies buying hundreds upon hundreds of dollars worth of fleece for blankets or hats or scarves or things. Now it's just our regulars coming in and the occasional newbie who is getting ambitious and starting a new hobby.

Speaking of getting ambitious and starting new things.....I have done so a little bit myself. Allie and I have started going to the gym fairly regularly, and tomorrow night won't be any exception. Even if she decides not to join me, I'm going to go and at least take a short run. The holidays and this extreme weather interrupted the routine a bit, but I'm intent on getting back on track ASAP. Just a hiccup is all :)

We both have gotten more involved with our jobs at the store as well, buying fabric and such. And with her getting a new machine for Christmas and hanging out with me and my machine so much lately, we've started sewing a whole lot more...which means a lot of finished projects that I don't necessarily need. So I've decided to embark on a little adventure to see what I can do with all of the extra projects I have. I have a gigantic fabric stash, and I sew scarves like there's no tomorrow, so I figured..."why not try to sell some of this?" I mean, let's be honest...I can make all the scarves I want with all the excuses of, "but I can wear this one with this...." but I really don't need all of the things I make. And since scarves are kind of needed with this weather, and infinity fashion scarves are big amongst my peers, it only makes sense to try to pass some of mine out for a little extra pocket money. Sure, not a whole lot of money, but it's still a little bit that I wouldn't have had beforehand! There hasn't been a whole lot put up on the page yet, so far only scarves actually. But there are promises of other goodies as well later this month and continuing into the future. I made my first sale today, we'll see how much more I can get in the future! I don't expect much, but every little bit is some encouragement. If you want to check it out, here's the link, but like I said, not a whole lot is up so far. Most everything will be added as it gets made, that way everything is as current as possible. I'm sure that at some point Allie's creations will become contributions as well, so maybe there will be some more variety on the page!

Over the holidays, Aaron and I have done a lot of cool things (though he would argue otherwise, he's always saying that he's "boring"). We went back to Chicago with his friends mid-December, where it snowed and was chilly and windy all day, but it was Chicago after all, and we still had plenty of fun, as you can see.
Nick and Sasha 

Robert and Ciara

Dylan and Daniela

Lexee and Matt

Aaron milking the cow...
 We also bought my Grandma a new TV for Christmas/her birthday. It was Aaron's idea, and we were all glad he came up with it because my Grandma is not easy to shop for. Aaron and I went out on Thanksgiving to WalMart, and my parents and Allie all chipped in afterwards. She needed this TV, our living room looks a lot bigger now that it's all set up. I'm trying to upload the video of her unwrapping it but the site keeps telling me that it had an error. I guess you'll just have to take my word for it then! 

For New Year's Eve, we went out with Aaron's family for dinner to JMK, where Dena got some drink that she had to sip from a party Buddha's belly (according to her, he's saying, "Whoo hoo! There's rum in here!"). After dinner we came back home and Allie and her boyfriend, Cody, came over for some games and partying. Cody took a drink of alcohol for the first time (his birthday was the 10th)...and the second time...and the third time... He's normally hilarious sober, but you put a little alcohol in him and he's a riot.
We also went "crazy bowling" one morning with Aaron's family. There were some interesting poses we had to attempt while trying to bowl....

And now for the super out-of order randomness that has also happened lately...

I met Chelsea's boyfriend...

I finished everyone's Christmas mugs...

My hermit crab was dumb as usual, and got himself stuck on a piece of velcro from his old coconut fiber...

Allie and I died laughing for hours looking through my Grandma's old highschool yearbooks...

Aaron and I hosted a Thanksgivng thing at my house for our friends the Sunday before actual Thanksgiving. I have no idea how we managed to fit all these people in my teensy dining room, but we did, and dear god, was some of that food good (we did it potluck style). My butt is totally touching the wall on the left, so you can pretty much see the entire room in this picture.

Allie's house had its annual transformation into a gingerbread house....

Christmas decorating wore someone out...

...and Mom and I went on a few adventures of our own.

So, that was my winter/holiday break...what all did you guys do? Hope you all had as good a break as we did! Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and everything in between!

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